3 thoughts on “Sitting on the bank of Yarrie Lake”

  1. We have been watching that cyclone hoping it wouldn’t go near you! Very quiet here today as it’s Athletics Carnival.

  2. Hi it’s Harry and MrD. We have jsut read your blog so far as a class…
    Harry – Looks like you have been having a good time.
    Ziggy – What you have been doing looks awesome. I would like to do it one day.

  3. yes Harry and Ziggy I have had a AWESOME time on my trip but one night Dad,Drew and I where going to a observatory but it was to cloudy and we could not go:( . on Day 4 we went to parkes dish (radio telescope) it was AMAZING 😀 and the movie the Dish was filmd there. today Dad blew up he’s quad copter and it’s now broken.

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