That holiday is well and truly done and dusted. I few important things to remember for next time if someone has a great idea. We used 1628 litres of diesel, setup camp 23 times, traveled a total ofÂ...Read More
The plan was to get up and get ready to leave  reasonably early… a little after 10am we finally packed up and hit the road. There was a suggestion to go through Tumut as it may have been a litt...Read More
We didn’t leave Port Stevens until after 3pm and had 600+ km to go til the next stop. We could start the car again which was a bonus. The drive was long and included one passenger vomiting in t...Read More
Three nights here with some great friends that we haven’t seen in ages. The days are becoming cooler as are the nights as we head south. The beaches in around Port Stevens are quite nice, it was...Read More
Its hard to believe we only have one week left. We have met so many awesome people and seen and done so many fantastic things. I’m sure we’ll be sad when it’s all over and we hear t...Read More
A little place just north of South West Rocks on the Macleay River and also the last place the car started without a little help. It was a long day in the car yesterday, we didn’t make to camp i...Read More
We spent some time at Streets Beach on South Bank. You can see the excitement on their little faces. We also managed to spend some time in the Obliteration Room in it’s last week at the Queens...Read More
We’re in Brisbane. Fraser Island was awesome but the mobile reception is a tad on the doesn’t exist spectrum. (Post soon) This wasn’t us but I could see how easily it could have been...Read More
A quick trip to Central Station which was once the centre for logging on Fraser. Then off to the main attraction… the Crystal clear waters of Lake MacKenzie. ...Read More